Page 8 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 8

Lying Liars and Deceiving Deceivers

               President Richard Milhous Nixon

               Name the man who was President of the United States during ALL of the Moon landings. If you said
               Richard M. Nixon, you are correct. He is also the only President of the United States to ever resign
               his office. He did so to avoid a vote on impeachment proceedings that had been recommended by
               the House Judiciary Committee for his role in the Watergate scandal. President Richard Nixon has
               come to represent dishonest government and lying politicians. He has famously been referred to as
               “Tricky Dick.”

               Although I do not believe President Nixon was any different than a great many other U.S. Presidents
               in practicing deceit and dishonesty, it seems fitting that it was during the tenure of this man who has
               come to epitomize political dishonesty that the NASA Moon missions took place. The lunar missions
               were, after all, arguably the biggest lie ever foisted upon a gullible and undiscerning populace.

               Photo Op

               The image above shows President Nixon greeting the returning Apollo 11 astronauts while they were
               in quarantine following their return from the Moon. As I mentioned, the purpose of this writing is
               not merely to demonstrate that the Moon landings were faked. My aim is to encourage Christians
               to exercise discernment in all things, for we live in an hour of great deception. As I begin this series
               of writings I want to focus on the need to beware of error and deception that is promoted by men.
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