Page 6 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 6

Although I believe there will be deceptive acts of miraculous proportion that Satan will carry out
               directly before the eyes of mankind in these last days, I am also persuaded that many of these
               deceptive, pretended, and delusive marvels will be fabrications that are broadcast through television
               and the Internet. Indeed, these media forms have already been used to perpetuate many lies, and they
               continue to be used in this manner to a profound extent every single day. A veritable flood of lies
               are coming forth from the mouth of the dragon, and those men and women who have both wittingly
               and unwittingly given themselves to the perpetuation of Satan’s acts.

               In this writing I am going to address one of the biggest deceptions of Satan and his human servants
               that have been perpetrated upon the mass of mankind in the last 50 years. This lie asserts that from
               July of 1969 to December of 1972, the American government’s space agency (NASA) successfully
               conducted six manned lunar landings and then returned the men safely back to Earth. The vast
               majority of Americans, as well as people from across the world, believe men actually walked on the
               Moon more than 40 years ago, and returned safely to the Earth. They believe these things primarily
               because the United States government told them these events were real, and the people saw with
               their  own  eyes  the  images  of  these  events  as  they  were  broadcast  on  television.  It  seemed
               inconceivable to many then, even as it does today, that the U.S. government would with a bold face
               attempt to perpetuate such an enormous lie.

               Have the United States government’s elected and appointed officials ever lied? Have they ever acted
               deliberately to deceive the populace? Has television ever been used to make false events appear real?

               Let me clarify from the start that the end goal of this writing is not to prove that the U.S. government
               perpetrated an immense deception and faked the Moon landings. Although I believe these things will
               indeed be proven beyond any reasonable doubt, the actual aim of the writing is to awaken Christians
               to the reality that we live in a world of illusion. This has been the case for many years, and the
               deception is increasing as we draw closer to the appearing of the lawless one and the subsequent
               return of Christ. My desire is to shock Christians into awareness of the pervasiveness of deception
               in this world.

               Satan is described in the Bible as “the god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4). What then would you
               expect to be the character of a world which lies in the power of the evil one, the deceiver who
               deceives the entire world? Would you not anticipate that the governments of this world, and the
               media under the control of men to whom Satan has given immense wealth and power, would be
               characterized by lies and deception?

               I will present Biblical evidence of the character of this present world, and Scriptural arguments that
               stand against man having ever journeyed to another heavenly body beyond the Earth. I will also
               present evidence and arguments which a Christian can test themselves that will help them to judge
               this matter of whether NASA faked the Moon landings, in order to enable Christ’s disciples to arrive
               at the knowledge of the truth. As I set forth this evidence and arguments, I will furthermore establish
               principles and practices by which Christians can test all things in this hour of universal deceit.

               George Orwell, the author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, famously stated the following.
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