Page 8 - Yahwehs Book
P. 8

Under the Old Covenant, Yahweh permitted another creature to die in the place of man, so that man
               might live. The blood of bulls, goats, sheep, and birds served as substitutions, paying the penalty for
               the sins of man. Yet, these offerings had to be made year after year.

               Under the New Covenant, Yahweh sent His Son to die in the place of man that mankind might live.
               Yahshua’s sacrifice was perfect. It needed to be offered only once. All humanity’s sins were borne
               on the cross by the Son of God. Christ brought God and man into oneness, no longer separated by
               sin. This is the meaning of atonement (at-onement). We could say that Christ “convened” a meeting
               between God and man. He did so by means of establishing a “covenant” through His blood.

               (Note: The word “atonement” was created by William Tyndale when he translated the Bible into
               English  around  the  year  1526.  Tyndale  recognized  that  there  was  no  English  word  that  fully
               described the act of Christ to reconcile God to man by paying the penalty of sin, while also providing
               a merciful covering for man that he might stand in the presence of God without shame. Tyndale
               coined the word “atonement” to describe the work of Christ in reuniting man to his Creator.)

               The subject of covenants is so central to the Bible, that we find that its two divisions are properly
               referred to as the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. The Bible presents two primary covenants
               that Yahweh has made with mankind. These covenants are designed to bring God and man together.
               In this we can see the shared origin of the words “covenant” and “convene.” Covenants bring
               disparate parties together, thereby convening them. In the case of the Biblical covenants, the two
               parties involved are God and man.

               The Bible is an amazing book. It alone reveals the history of man and his Creator, the fall of man
               into sin, and separation from God. The Bible does not leave man in this forsaken condition, however.
               It reveals all that Yahweh has done to restore the breach that sin had created. We see the first
               Covenant that served as an interim measure until the fulness of time should arrive when Yahweh
               would send His Son into the earth. Thus, in the Bible, we have been provided with the supremely
               important testimony of God’s two covenants with man.
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