Page 4 - Yahwehs Book
P. 4

As a child I remember feeling something akin to the wonder expressed by John Wimber when he
               first was introduced to the Bible. When I was around ten years old I was given a small, brown,
               leather bound King James Bible. It had gold edges to the pages and a cloth book mark that was
               attached to the spine of the book. Opening the cover, there was a page to write your name. It said
               something like “This Bible belongs to _________________.”

               I remember my delight in being given this Bible as a child. I carried it with me every time we set out
               for church. The size of the book was diminutive, containing small print. It also contained marginal
               notes, and links to other Bible passages that were related. I treasured this Bible. It did not sit on a
               shelf collecting dust. I read it. I used it to conduct my own topical Bible studies. In my early teen
               years I was given a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance to the Bible, as well as a Nave’s Topical Bible,
               and a Bible dictionary. These books were my reference tools, but they were nothing without the
               Bible itself.

               I remember the satisfaction I had as a youth carrying my Bible around. It was not a satisfaction that
               comes from showiness, for I was a very timid youth and it was only with great difficulty that I would
               tell a stranger that I was a Christian. Rather, my satisfaction came from the knowledge that I had
               God’s words in my possession. I could study these words to learn about God. I could find wisdom
               and understanding within the pages of this book. Wisdom and understanding were two things I
               zealously desired. Therefore, my Bible was exceedingly precious to me.

               It has been more than four decades since I received my first Bible and I have remained an avid
               student of the Word of God. I have never lost my zeal to acquire wisdom and understanding, and I
               have discovered no other source equal to the Scriptures to fulfill my desire. I have learned much
               from the pages of scriptures in the past decades. I have also learned many things ABOUT this book.
               Most of my teachings focus on things I have learned from the content of the Bible as I have been
               instructed by the Holy Spirit. This writing series is different in that my goal is to set forth some of
               the  things  I  have  learned about  this  book  that  we  call  The  Bible.  It  is  an  exemplary  book;  a
               remarkable book; a unique book. I hope that it might be to you as much of a treasure as it has been
               in my life.
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