Page 11 - The Marriage Covenant
P. 11

I was working.
                     On many jobs I found I had bid too low. After paying for materials, labor, and other
               expenses, I at times did not make any money. The thought suggested itself in my mind at
               times to seek to renegotiate with the person who had hired me, but I never entertained the
               thought. I remembered the following words of the Psalmist, as he answered the question
               “Who will dwell in Your Tabernacle and dwell on Your holy hill?” The answer is supplied,
               “He who swears to his own hurt and does not change” (Psalms 15:4).
                     I knew it was better for me to receive financial injury myself, than to fail to honor my
               word. The unfaithfulness that  is commonplace to man is foreign to the nature of Yahweh.
               Yahweh does not merely sign a contract with man when He gives His word on a matter. He
               seals it with an everlasting covenant that cannot be broken. What God has declared, He will

                       Ezekiel 17:24
                       “I am Yahweh; I have spoken, and I will perform it."

                     From mankind’s inception, God determined to fashion a creature in His own image,
               after His own likeness. Mankind was designed to be a perfect reflection of the nature and
               character of Elohim. Satan has succeeded in marring the image of man, and bringing forth
               his own perverse image in the heart of mankind. When Adam fell, we were all in Adam, for
               we were his seed. Consequently we also fell and became subject to the beast nature.
                     This lowly, corrupt beast nature is revealed in the curse placed upon the serpent. “On
               your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat.” There is a great parable in these words. “On
               your belly” signifies that the beast nature is driven by its appetites. It is always selfish,
               seeking to satisfy the desires of the flesh. Eating dust is a symbol of craving fleshly things,
               for the flesh of man was formed of the dust of the earth. Paul uses this same imagery to
               describe Christians who crave evil things.

                       Philippians 3:18-19
                       For many walk, of whom I often told you, and now tell you even weeping, that they
                       are enemies of the cross of Christ, whose end is destruction, whose god is their

                     When Adam submitted himself in obedience to the beast, he took on the beast nature.
               As  the  apostle  Paul  declares, “Do  you  not  know  that  when  you  present  yourselves  to
               someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey?” (Romans 6:16).
               Mankind fell into slavery to a lower, bestial nature when Adam transgressed in the Garden
               of Eden. The character of God was no longer present in man. Man became “formless and
               void”  in  a  perfect  parallel  to  the  earth  from  which  his  body  was  fashioned.  Man  was
               formless in that He lacked the image of God. He was void in that he was devoid of the Spirit,
               for which he had been created to be a temple.
                     Due to sin, whenever God wanted to demonstrate to mankind that a promise was
               given that could not be broken, He presented it in the form of a covenant. Mankind was
               prone to lying, deception, selfishness, and unfaithfulness. Therefore, Yahweh instituted the
               covenant  that  man  might  have  a  way  of  binding  himself,  and  being  held  in  perfect
               accountability,  to  an  agreement  with  another  party.  The  only  way  out  of  this  type  of
               compact was through death.
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