Page 13 - Sarah's Children
P. 13

Genesis 2:18
                       Then Yahweh God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will
                       make him a helper suitable for him."

               Many women look at the Biblical instructions regarding womanhood and they see
               them as being part of an outdated patriarchal society. They see no reason why men
               should be leaders in the home, in the church, in government, or any of the other
               forums of life. The woman’s movement asserts that there is no difference between
               man and woman, that a woman is to be seen as an equal to man in all areas of life.
               In this is an echo of Lucifer’s transgression, “I will ascend..., I will ascend..., I will

               Satan has worked tirelessly to destroy the order of creation that Yahweh has set in
               place by His own counsel and forethought. He rejected Yahweh’s will for his life, now
               he seeks to cause all others to join in his rebellion. At some point Lucifer began
               looking at himself and thinking that he deserved better. He began to despise his
               calling. Now as Satan the adversary he uses the same corrupted wisdom on men and

               Women have their minds buffeted with thoughts of, “Why should I submit myself to
               man? They are just common, rude, lowly, self-centered creatures that are no better
               than women.” In every possible way Satan seeks to lower the image of man in the
               eyes of women. The lower man appears, the more unreasonable it seems for a woman
               to walk in submission and humility before man, and the more reasonable it seems
               that she has every right to seek to ascend above this role to a higher calling.

               Satan’s attacks have not just been to deceive women, however. He has been greatly
               effective in getting man to see himself as nothing more than an advanced ape. The
               man who sees himself as little more than a beast will act little better than a beast. By
               external observation there would seem to be little to distinguish man and to cause
               any  to  think  highly  of  him.  Men  waste  themselves  in  drunkenness,  carousing,
               fornicating, lying, thievery, selfishness, ignorance, slothfulness, and envy. The news
               is full of stories of men acting as  mere brute beasts, killing and abusing one another.

               Yes, the whole world does lie in the power of the evil one. His power is deception and
               he has deceived the whole world and now the world is living  out of a deceived
               mindset. By looking at the world through our human senses it seems unreasonable
               to conclude that women should submit to man in any form, but we are not of this
               world and we are not to judge by appearances.

               Though man has been deceived to see himself as an advanced beast, this is not his
               identity at all. Man did not evolve from a common ancestor of the lower primates,
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