Page 15 - SABBATH
P. 15

In these words, which Yahshua often repeated, we see what it is to truly enter into
               God’s rest. Entering into His rest requires ceasing from one’s own labors (Hebrews 4:10).
               Sabbath is not defined by what a man is doing externally, it is defined by being in a state of
               perfect harmony and agreement with God. When a man no longer seeks his own will; when
               he no longer goes his own way; when he is no longer guided by his intellect and reason;
               when he has died to all personal initiative; when he only does the will of the Father - then
               he has entered into rest.
                     It is revealed in Yahshua’s words that the rest we are to enter into extends even as far
               as the words we speak. Yahshua proclaimed that He did not speak a word of His own
               initiative. He only spoke that which the Father gave Him to speak. This is perfect rest. It is
               true Sabbath.
                     It mattered not whether Yahshua and His disciples were doing something physically
               that looked like work on the Sabbath day. If they were doing the will of the Father then they
               were at perfect rest, they were fulfilling Sabbath. Sabbath is not determined by external
               observation, it is an inward state of complete agreement with the Father. Sabbath is perfect
               obedience. It is doing precisely what the Father wills for man to do, no more and no less.
                     When Yahshua was condemned by the Jews for healing on the Sabbath, He revealed
               to them what true Sabbath was, but they did not have ears to hear it.

                       John 5:16-17
                       And for this reason the Jews were persecuting Yahshua, because He was doing these
                       things on the Sabbath. But He answered them, "My Father is working until now, and
                       I Myself am working."

                     In another place Yahshua said that He was always beholding the Father, and He was
               doing those things He saw the Father doing. Yahshua healed on the Sabbath day because
               He saw the Father healing on the Sabbath day. This is what He declared to the Jews that
               they did not understand. True Sabbath is doing what the Father is doing. True Sabbath is
               obedience to what He reveals we are to be doing.
                     If Yahshua had observed the Father healing on the Sabbath day, and He had refused
               to do so Himself, He would have been a Sabbath breaker. When the Father makes His will
               known to us in any instance, we are at rest when we obey. We fail to enter into rest when
               we refuse to obey.
                     The Jews only saw the external type that was given to represent Sabbath. They saw the
               Law which said that work was not to be done on the seventh day. Yet they failed to see what
               the Law was truly typifying. Yahweh was not concerned that man should rest from all
               physical labor one day a week. However, He was immensely concerned that man should not
               do anything that originated outside of the will of God. The Laws concerning the Sabbath day
               were merely types and shadows, but the Jews could not get past the types and shadows to
               see the true fulfillment.
                     Yahshua  was  fulfilling  Sabbath  completely  by  never  doing  anything  of  His  own
               initiative. Sabbath was not fulfilled by adhering to that which was a shadow of the Sabbath.
               Yahshua walked in the substance while the rest of the Jews were walking in shadows and
               figures. The Jews would refrain from physical labor one day a week, but they failed to truly
               walk in Sabbath. If they had known true Sabbath rest they would not have condemned One
               who was walking in complete harmony with the will of the Father.
                     The whole Godhead is in a state of Sabbath rest. There is only one will, the will of the
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