Page 9 - The Marriage Covenant
P. 9

                     Every disease that resides in another person’s blood is transmitted through sexual
               intimacy to their sexual partners. This is how HIV, herpes, and other sexually transmitted
               diseases that are blood-borne gain access into the body of another. This transfer provides
               evidence  that  there  is  a  blood  transfer.  Diseases  are  in  the  blood,  and  so  is  the  soul
               (nephesh). The souls of other people gain entrance into our own body through the act of
               sexual intercourse.
                     For those who have not studied this matter, it is no doubt a mystery. Yet it has great
               bearing upon the marriage covenant and reveals the great need to remain sexually pure.
                     A  further  related  subject  is  that  of  the  Hebrew  wedding  customs  as  revealed  in
               Scriptures. The betrothal period, the absence of the bridegroom for a period of time, his
               sudden and unannounced return, and his examination of his bride on the wedding night to
               determine whether she has kept herself pure and chaste, all reveal precious truths about our
               relationship to Christ as well as Yahweh’s intended relationship between a husband and
                     Some  will  immediately  recognize  that  they  have  already  failed  in  these  areas.
               Questions will arise concerning what must be done to make things right before God and
               man. By the grace of God, these things, and others will be examined in this series of
                     May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.
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