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P. 15

Chapter 2

               I am going to begin today’s blog post with a video recently released by the United Nations. This
               two minute video was created to coincide with a worldwide campaign to promote the acceptance
               and normalization of homosexual behavior. The video is titled The Riddle and is part of a
               campaign that is called Free and Equal.


               Satan is a master of deception. His cunning is without equal. Even as he deceived Eve in the
               Garden, he continues to deceive men and women today. Whether he is persuading one person, or
               a billion, his methods do not change. He speaks a little truth, and attaches it to a very destructive
               lie. He pretends to be offering mankind something that will benefit, but it brings only death and

               Consider the message of this video. The truth that the video contains is that homosexual behavior
               is practiced worldwide, in every nation. The whole world lies in the power of the evil one, and
               sin is an universal condition of the descendants of Adam. “For all have sinned, and come short of
               the glory of God.”

               This video is not lying when it speaks of homosexuality being found throughout all nations of
               men. The deceit comes in when the question is asked:

               “What has existed in every country throughout history, yet is still considered abnormal?”

               This question expresses “The Riddle,” to which the United Nations claims to provide the answer.
               Their answer: “Being gay.” The U.N., of course, is following Satan’s script, for long ago he
               posed a riddle for mankind when he spoke in the garden.

               Genesis 3:1
               Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which Yahweh God had made.
               And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the

               It is interesting that Satan would couch his deception in the form of a question. He has done so
               with this U.N. program, and he did so in the Garden of Eden. The similarities do not end there,
               however. As in the Garden, Satan is presenting his deception in an attractive manner. We are told
               that the fruit in the Garden of Eden was “pleasant to the eyes, and desirable to make one wise.”
               Similarly, we find that the message and the speakers in this video are presented in an appealing
               manner. Most of the speakers are physically attractive. Some were chosen to evince sympathy, or
               to appeal to the minds of men and women, in a non-sensual manner.

               The video begins with a young woman. She has an appearance of innocence. She has an
               unblemished complection, and is standing silently. When she speaks, she does so in a soft voice,
               with an expression intended to elicit sympathy. The following speakers maintain this soft voice,
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