Page 32 - The Remnant Bride
P. 32

loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire.

                     It seems that Christians today have given little thought to the issue of reward. There

               are many who live carelessly, pursuing the things of the carnal nature. Many believe that
               salvation is enough, that having obtained it, there is nothing else that God requires of them.

               They therefore walk in oblivion, ignorant of God’s voice and His desire for them.
                     Consider again the parable of the stewards from Luke 12:42-48. The Lord indicates

               that  there are some who  will  be found faithful  and waiting. These are called blessed.
               Additionally, there are those who will say in their heart that the master delays and they will

               begin to carouse and act wickedly, mistreating others. These will be cut to pieces and
               assigned a portion with the unbelievers.

                     There is another group, however. This group is those who were ignorant of their
               master’s will. They did things worthy of a flogging, but they received fewer stripes because

               they were unaware of their master’s will.
                     Without a doubt, it is desirable to be among those who are faithful. It is better to

               receive praise and reward than a reprimand and stripes. Many will suffer loss, whether their

               disobedience springs from wicked carnality or ignorance of God’s will. As we will see, this
               loss extends even to whether the saints of God will be counted worthy to be among those
               who are called the Bride of Christ.
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