Page 24 - The Remnant Bride
P. 24

Two things must occur to correct this error. Those who are true ministers of Christ

               must adopt the mindset of John the Baptist saying,  "I must decrease that the body of Christ
               might increase." Those who are among the body must rise to the calling upon their lives and
               embrace the rigors of true discipleship. Yes, being a disciple calls for a much purer devotion

               than calling oneself a layperson, but the rewards are such that Paul said, “For I consider
               that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that

               is to be revealed in us”” (Romans 8:18).
                     The minister is not to obscure the calling of the Bride, he is to clarify it. God’s true
               ministers are given their positions because they themselves have walked in intimacy with

               the Father and they have been given an understanding of what the Father seeks as He
               prepares a Bride for His Son. Though the minister is a servant, he is also accorded honor.

               God always gives honor with responsibility. A servant who is faithfully discharging his
               duties is to be accorded great honor and those who receive of his ministry are to honor him
               in the sphere of his duties.

                     It was clearly recorded for our benefit that Esther listened to the voice of Hegai, the
               king’s minister, and she responded to his words. We are told that when the virgins were

               presented to the king following their year of preparation, they could take anything in with
               them that they desired. It was to their benefit, however, to listen to the advice of the eunuch
               in this matter. Not all did so. Not all were found pleasing to the king. Only one delighted

               him so much that he made her his queen.

                       Esther 2:15, 17
                       Now  when the turn of Esther...  came to  go  in to  the king,  she did not request
                       anything except what Hegai, the king's eunuch who was in charge of the women,

                       advised. And Esther found favor in the eyes of all who saw her... And the king loved
                       Esther more than all the women, and she found favor and kindness with him more

                       than all the virgins, so that he set the royal crown on her head and made her queen.

                     Esther listened to the voice of Hegai. The king had appointed Hegai to his task for

               good reason. He knew what was pleasing to the king. His advice was to be taken seriously.
               To ignore his voice was to risk the king’s displeasure.

                     The Bride of Christ must likewise be attentive to the voice of God’s eunuch ministers.
               They will be given understanding of what is pleasing to the King. They will be entrusted
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