Page 8 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 8

your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to
                 the effect that the day of the Lord has come. Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will
                 not come unless the apostasy comes first...

                       Once more Paul is writing about the days that precede the return of Yahshua. He is
               writing of the days we live in. Paul states that Yahshua will not return unless the apostasy
               occurs first. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible defines apostasy in the following

                 646  apostasia (ap-os-tas-ee'-ah);
                 feminine of the same as 647; defection from truth

                     As one looks further into the meaning of this Greek word, it is seen that it shares a
               similar root with the Greek word meaning divorce. The apostasy of which Paul speaks is
               literally a divorcement from truth. Taken in relationship with Paul's other statements we
               can discern that the last days will be a time when those who claim to be followers of
               Yahshua will divorce themselves from truth, and they will in turn be wed to myths and
               fables. They will figuratively heap up for themselves teachers that will proclaim error and
               falsehood unto them.
                     This is the perilous circumstance that we find ourselves in today. It is not the masses
               that are proclaiming truth, but the remnant. Truth is not widely preached and received,
               rather it is largely rejected, having been replaced with falsehood. How did this circumstance
               come about? Again the apostle Paul informs us of the reason.

                 II Thessalonians 2:10-12
                 Because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved... for this reason God
                 will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false, in order
                 that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

                     Because men have preferred lies over truth, the Father has sent a deluding influence
               upon them. This passage, and the others we have looked at, are not talking about the world,
               but those who claim to be followers of God. Those who read this book, and other writings
               that are proclaiming truth in this hour, must realize that what is written here is out of synch
               with the masses of Christendom because the masses of Christendom are themselves out of
               synch with God.
                     Yahshua said He was the truth, yet the truth is not loved in the last days before
               Yahshua's return. As a result the Father has sent delusion upon mankind so that they might
               believe what is false, which is what they prefer.
                     In the Gospels we find Christ uttering the following lamentation.

                 Luke 18:8
                 "However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"

                     Yahshua is speaking in reference to His second coming. At His first appearing there
               was a whole nation of people who claimed to be followers of His Father. There was a well
               used  religious  system  centered  around  the  Temple  and  the  synagogues.  People  were
               studying the scriptures continuously, and they claimed to be waiting for the appearing of
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