Page 10 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 10

Revelation 17:5, 6, 9
                       And on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, "BABYLON THE
                       OF THE EARTH." And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the
                       saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Yahshua. Here is the mind
                       which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the
                       woman sits...”

               Untold numbers of saints have been martyred at the hands of Rome and the Catholic
               Church. Through Rome’s influence many heresies and pagan practices have been
               mixed in with the worship of God until Christendom has become a corrupt mixture.
               Rome also sits on seven hills.

               Many books  and a myriad of sermons  have gone forth proclaiming  the Roman
               Catholic Church to be Babylon. Without a doubt there is a connection between
               Babylon and Rome, yet the Babylon of Revelation is more than the Roman Catholic
               Church. It is noted in the preceding scripture that Babylon is “the mother of harlots.”
               Babylon has many daughters, and each one of these daughters is also Babylon. Some
               have argued quite convincingly that these daughters are the various denominations
               that  populate  Christendom  today.  Even  within  the  denominations  that  have
               protested against the Roman Catholic Church (the Protestants), there is much of
               Rome left in them.

               Entire books have been written to expose the false pagan practices that have become
               part and parcel of Christian practice today, both inside and outside of Rome. It is not
               just the Catholics that celebrate the Christ Mass on the historic date of the pagan
               festivals of Sol Invictus and Saturnalia. It is not just the Catholics that have kept the
               name and the date of the Spring fertility festival held in honor of the goddess Ishtar
               (Eostre, Astarte, Ashtoreth) which we know as Easter. It is not just the Catholics that
               have brought such devastation to the body of Christ by instituting the false divisions
               of clergy and laity. All of these things, and many more, are as typical of the harlot’s
               daughters as they are true of the Great Harlot.

               If we try to identify Babylon by her false practices, however, we will fail. These things
               are merely symptoms, and the outward trappings of Babylon. We must discover the
               root and the heart of Babylon to know how to truly come out of her. The saint could
               identify every false practice and every pagan influence of Babylon, and separate
               themself from all such things, and still not have come out of her.

               We are getting much closer to the center of things in looking at Mystery Babylon’s
               association to the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant denominationalism. If
               these entities represent Babylon, the Great Harlot, and her daughters, then the call
               to come out of Babylon is a call to flee from Catholicism and all denominationalism.
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